Zego delivery rider rewarded for bravery

Written by Zego

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On Thursday 23rd November, while making deliveries in Dublin city centre, Caio Benicio witnessed an attack outside a school.

The delivery rider jumped off his motorbike and stepped in to help, knocking the attacker to the ground with his helmet.

“I didn’t even make a decision, it was pure instinct, and it was all over in seconds. He fell to the ground, I didn’t see where the knife went, and other people stepped in,” he told The Journal in Dublin.

“I have two kids myself, so I had to do something. I did what anyone would do. People were there but they couldn’t step in because he was armed, but I knew I could use my helmet as a weapon.”

Thanks to Caio’s brave act, the victims were taken to hospital, where they’re being treated for serious wounds and injuries.

As one of our delivery customers, and as a reward for his bravery, we said thanks to Caio by providing him with a year’s delivery insurance on us.

Thank you, Caio.