Zego's claims process

We know accidents happen. When they do, we’re here to help. Our team is available 24/7 to resolve your claim as quickly as possible.

Phone screen showing Zego claims process with icons overlaid

It’s faster with the app

If you're involved in an accident, you can let us know quickly and easily using the Sense app. Simply open the app, tap 'Incidents' and follow the steps there.

Learn more

Call us

From the moment you make a claim, our aim is to be supportive, fast and fair, so you can get back on track as soon as possible. You can make a claim with ease by calling:

Our 3 step process

Zego icon step 1

Contact us

We get it - accidents happen. Let us know when they do, even if you don't want to make a claim so you're protected no matter what.

Zego icon step 2

Get support

One of our claims handlers will work with you to gather all of the details of your claim and advise you further. We know it can be stressful - that's why we're here to help.

Zego icon step 3

Back on track

Once we have all of the details, your claim will be reviewed. After a settlement is agreed and organised, you'll be back on the road in no time.

What you will need when making a claim

  • Your policy number

  • Vehicle registration of all vehicles involved

  • Date and time of accident

  • Location of accident

  • Any witness details

  • Any Third Party's details (name, address, license)

  • A police reference number if they attended the accident

  • Any photographs or videos from the scene of the accident of all vehicles involved

FAQs about your claim

FAQs about your policy

FAQs about vehicle damage

FAQs about liability