How much does Fleet insurance cost? UK

Written by Benedict Harrison

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Our guide to how much you can expect to pay for your insurance as a fleet owner.

Whether you manage a fleet of 2 or 2000 vehicles, it’s important to make sure you get an insurance policy that suits you. One of the most important things to consider when you’re looking for Fleet insurance is how much your cover will cost.

In short, the answer to how much Fleet insurance costs is that it varies depending on a number of factors. Insurance companies take a number of pieces of information into account when determining your premium, so your price will depend on your exact circumstances.

In this post, we’ll take a look into some of the factors that can affect how much your Fleet insurance costs. We’ll also explore how Zego’s usage-based cover could save you money compared to a traditional policy and we’ll show you how to get started with your quote for Fleet insurance.

What affects the price of my premium?

As a fleet owner, the number of vehicles in your fleet is likely to be the factor that has the greatest impact on your overall premium. The more vehicles in your fleet, the more you can expect to pay for your insurance as your risk will be higher.

Beyond the number of vehicles, there are many factors that will affect the price of your cover, including things like what your vehicles are used for, the types of vehicles you have, your fleet’s claims history and lots more. Each driver in your fleet will also have their own risk profile, which can have an impact upon your overall premium.

Unlike traditional Fleet insurance, Zego offers usage-based cover. When you set up a policy with Zego, the amount of time your vehicles spend out on the road will also affect your overall premium. That way, your insurance cost scales up and down to match any changes in your fleet’s activity.

How can usage-based cover help me save money?

With Zego’s usage-based Fleet insurance, you pay a minimum base rate for your policy to ensure your vehicles are always covered. Then, depending on how much your vehicles are used, which we can base on the mileage of your vehicles or how much time they spend on the road, you pay a flexible premium that can change month on month.

You’ll never pay more than your agreed monthly cap, so you can always keep on top of your insurance costs. In months where your fleet isn’t as active, you’ll see that reflected in your insurance premium and you’ll pay less for your cover.

How is the flexible premium calculated?

Zego partners with world-class telematics partners to provide you with flexible cover that suits your fleet. Because these devices can track the distance your vehicles cover and how much time they are in use, you can pay just for the cover you actually use.

You can also access a great range of benefits to help you improve your operational efficiency. You can also get access to insights into how you can improve the overall risk of your fleet, which can help to improve the safety of your drivers and bring down your insurance costs further.

How do I get a Fleet insurance quote with Zego?

We offer Fleet insurance policies to companies working across a range of industries and sectors, including delivery, private hire, tradespeople and courier companies.

To learn more about our usage-based cover, and to get a quote for your vehicles, you can visit our Fleet insurance page.