Costs are rising everywhere. Business. Personal. Prices just keep going up. The UK taxi industry is not immune to this problem. Fuel, taxes, repairs, road tolls, MOT. They all cost more than they did a year ago. For private hire drivers, keeping a lid on this financial spiral is essential for success. But they can’t do much about the price of petrol, so they must look elsewhere for savings. One area they can consider is telematic Private Hire insurance - a different type of cover that offers discounts up to 32%.
Drive safe, drive cheap
Telematic Private Hire insurance is a relatively new form of PH Insurance. Standard insurance policies use a mix of price factors that include things like the driver’s postcode, age, and where they keep their car at night to calculate the cost. The driver’s driving skills are only one part of the equation. In contrast, telematic insurance is all about the driver. It uses actual driving information to calculate the price of the policy.
Zego Sense is state of the art telematic PH insurance. Working off the driver’s smartphone, it’s an app-based programme that scores the way the driver drives. There’s no hassle with a black box. An easy download and a few set-up tweaks are all it takes to get going. The app works without bothering the driver, simply measuring the actions that make a ride safe and comfortable for passengers – good things like soft braking, smooth cornering and sticking to the speed limit. These valuable skills generate a driver score that builds over time and is reflected in the price of the policy – which gets cheaper the higher the score and the safer the driver is.
A secure driving partner
Zego Sense is like a taxi driver’s personal trainer. It wants the driver to achieve their best. It lets the driver know when their driving is not at its peak, and it offers tips and hints to help the driver get the highest score they can. It’s also a contained system. The data it reviews to generate a driver score is only used to calculate the policy price. The information is totally secure and never shared or sold.
Save up to 32% off the policy price
Zego Sense policies offer flexible 30 days cover, third party or fully comprehensive. Drivers can insure their vehicle when they want to work and save when they don’t. Switching to a Sense policy rewards drivers with an immediate 15% discount and they earn more savings as their driver score goes up. Best drivers can benefit from discounts worth up to 32% off the 30 days policy price.
Experience shows us that prices often defy gravity. What goes up seldom comes down. As everything costs more, UK taxi drivers must find new ways to save money. Technology that offers them the chance to reduce the cost of their insurance without a drop in quality is an easy choice.
Discover competitively priced Private Hire insurance with Zego. Buy 30 days or annual policies. Or choose Zego Sense, the policy that rewards good drivers with lower prices – the safer you drive, the more you save.
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