How Zego Sense Policies Provide Better Prices & The Fairest Vehicle Insurance

Written by Zego

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When looking for vehicle insurance, you’ll come across various providers with a lot of different policies, and deciding which one to go with can get confusing. We pride ourselves on offering insurance suited to you and your specific needs.

Zego Sense policies offer you the best possible price on your insurance, by rewarding you when you drive well.

Find out how Sense can help you save money on your policy, and learn more about the many benefits it offers.

What exactly is Zego Sense?

Sense is the technology that powers our smarter policies. It’s built into the Zego Sense app – all you have to do is install the app, log in, enable permissions and start driving.

While you’re out on the road, the app works in the background, sensing how you drive over time. Sense uses this information to create your driver score and offer you our best priced policies at renewal.

What data does Zego collect through the Sense app?

You share your location information and motion data with us through the app, so we can understand how you drive and offer you discounts at renewal for driving well.

That means we’ll know how much and how far you drive, as well as how you accelerate, brake, and take corners.

We also receive general information about you installing or uninstalling the app.

We understand the importance of privacy, so only Zego can access your driving data. Our underwriters, Wakam, can view any changes to your price, but they don’t have access to your data.

The app can’t and won’t access any of your emails, contacts, photos, banking information, health information, or social media. It also doesn't penalise you for using other apps on your phone as you drive, like work provider apps.

How does Sense use the data it collects from me?

Sense uses your data to build an understanding of how you drive as an individual, allowing us to offer you the best prices possible -- the better you drive, the less you pay. You can understand how well you’re driving by looking at your driver score and the insights section of the app.

What is my driver score and how do you calculate it?

Your driver score is a reflection of how well you drive over time, based on the data Sense gathers. It gives you an idea of your performance and an indication of whether or not you’re on track for a better price at renewal.

Your driver score is based on a 28-day rolling average of your driving behaviour. This includes factors like braking, accelerating and cornering.

Since it’s a rolling score, as that 28-day window progresses, you might see changes in your average score, even if you haven’t driven for a few days. Remember, this score is an average, so any one-off mistakes shouldn’t have an impact.

Which driving behaviours can negatively impact my price at renewal?

Harsh braking, aggressive acceleration and sharp cornering. Don’t forget, the app senses your driving over time, offering a clear picture of your overall driving habits - it won’t be impacted by one moment or even just one day.

Is my driver score/renewal price impacted by how much I drive?

No, Sense policies are not pay-as-you-go or usage-based. How much you drive will not impact your current quote or future renewal prices.

How do I get started with Sense? Do I have to switch it on every time I drive?

All you have to do to activate your Sense policy is install the Zego Sense app and log in. After that, the app works in the background while you drive, so it should always be “on”.

What happens if my phone battery runs out, or I turn off my data, or I’m a passenger in another driver’s car?

Sense is designed to offer you the best price on your policy when you drive well. It does this by building a picture of how you drive over time. That means it’s ok if your phone’s battery dies or you lose your network connection.

The app also recognises when you’re a passenger in another car (or a bus or train), so your score will only be impacted by how you drive, not somebody else.